Break The Ache
Our ultimate headache reducer. Whether a tension or migraine headache, this blend of medications, vitamins, and minerals is specially formulated to literally break the ache. We include ketorolac, a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine that acts like super-hero ibuprofen to dull throbbing. IV doses of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and ondansetron specifically help with nausea…
- IV Fluids: Hydration (Fills-the-tank)
- B Complex: Cell, Blood, & Nerve Support
- B12: Energy & Metabolism Boost
- Magnesium: Lowers Stomach Acid & Blood Pressure
- Zofran: Anti-Nausea: Serotonin Blocker
- Toradol: NSAID (Non-Steriodal Anti-Inflammatory)
- Benadryl: Antihistamine: Relaxation & Sleep Aid
Good For
- Migraines
- Headaches
- Chronic Pain
- Motion Sickness
This medication is cleared by the kidneys, similar to that of Ibuprofen. We recommend omitting this medication if you have taken Ibuprofen in the last 8 hours.
While this medication works wonders for headaches, it can make you drowsy. Thus, no driving, operating heavy machinery, or sky diving for 8 hours after diphenhydramine.
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