Immunity Blast
The perfect cocktail to maximize and revitalize your immune system! The secret to this formula is the inclusion of high-dose vitamin C and Zinc. Both of these vitamins are proven to boost your immune system, and the IV delivery allows for quicker, more robust absorption. We top this formula off with our array of B vitamins which boost energy and speed healing.
- IV Fluids: Hydration (Fills-the-tank)
- B Complex: Cell, Blood & Nerve Support
- B12: Metabolism & Energy Boost
- Zinc: Mineral: DNA & Protein Synthesis, Wound Healing & Immune Support
- Vitamin C: Building Neurotransmitters, Wound Healing, Collagen Building
Good For
- Feeling Under-the-Weather
- Cold & Flu Relief
- At-First-Sign to Fend Off Sickness
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